Tuesday 25 April 2017

Life and its distractions

So... I've been silent for a while now.

As the title of the post suggests, life has been happening to me a lot lately: teaching four grades full time, studying full time, maintaining relationships, drama with my parents, organisinng events for my school, and...and...and...and...

Unfortunately, after finishing my third book, I chose a book that I'm finding very difficult to read: Ben Okri's "The Famished Road". So as life happened around me, I found more and more excuses to 'take a break' from continuing the reading.

Once I put Okri's novel aside, I picked up two very delightful books: "Queen Pokou" by Veronique Tadjo and "The Screaming of the Innocent" by Unity Dow. I finished books today and reviews of both will follow soon.

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